Monday, March 06, 2006

Rekindled faith in my peeps

I found this on AMERICAblog :: Thank God for my peeps figuring out what's right and wrong.

From AP:

A majority of adults in five key Southern states disapproves of President Bush's job performance and says the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, according to an Elon University poll released Friday.

All five of the states polled _ Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida _ went to Bush in the 2004 presidential election by margins ranging from 58 percent in South Carolina and Georgia to 52 percent in Florida.Less than 18 months later, Bush isn't even close to majority approval in any of those states.

Props to Elon for doing the poll. From my university polling experience, I imagine it was done by the political science department and poor college kids looking to make an easy tax-free buck. Even my hardcore Republican mother feels that Bush isn't living up to her own low expectations of him. My Demcorat stepfather must be doin' a little jig -- and I'm jiggin' with him!


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