Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's gotten personal

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this to me before 9:30pm tonight.

A recent University of North Carolina graduate faces attempted murder charges after he allegedly drove a sport utility vehicle through a popular campus gathering spot [those who know, the Pit] Friday, clipping and scattering startled bystanders.

What? Why try and run over, and potentially murder, your classmates? People you share a common bond with.

I'll never understand killing to make a point.

Make Love, not War, dammit.

Soundtrack to my life

Could someone please explain to me why, while walking ~4 blocks to class and cramming for my Medieval Religion midterm that I would start to sing the theme song to Fraggle Rock in my head?

Really, I have no idea why.

In other news:: St. Patty's Day in NYC!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ann Coulter is the devil in heels

So, after a few days of discussing the imminent lecture by the devil herself with people around campus, I've decided my best form of protest would be not going. Tomorrow, I plan on telling every Democrat I know to get the maximum number of free tickets [10] and then ripping them up and throwing them away. The emptier the auditorium is the sooner she can get her ass back on a plane and away from here.

The school newspaper of course has been publishing letters to the editor for the past two days, and I'm sure after her lecture tomorrow night, the paper will be overun with letters and editorials. Here is one that I particularly enjoyed from my college recorder. A little background on him will make this letter even better. It's been years since he cut his hair, his cubicle is plastered with political statements, and he only wears shoes when it's absolutely necessary, ie) when the snow is deep and the temperature dips into the teens. Oh, and everywhere he goes he carries a big stick.

Taken from the DO online:

On Wednesday Ann Coulter will visit campus, at the invitation of the College Republicans. Among her other qualities, Coulter is one of the more outspoken racists currently in print.

Coulter tells us that all Muslims may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim. She suggests that "conventions of civilized behavior, personal hygiene and grooming" may be inapplicable to Muslims. Indeed, in the same column she manages to include each of the following: "jihad monkey," "camel jockey" and "tent merchants."

It is, of course, hardly news that Ann Coulter is a racist. One is led to wonder about those who invited her to our campus. We know that Coulter's message is one of racism. Should we infer that the College Republicans endorse her views?
~Blaine De Lancey

To paraphrase on of the best professors I've ever had in my time here at Syracuse, "The best form of protest is....[pushes the microphone away]" ~ Charlotte Grimes.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Rekindled faith in my peeps

I found this on AMERICAblog :: Thank God for my peeps figuring out what's right and wrong.

From AP:

A majority of adults in five key Southern states disapproves of President Bush's job performance and says the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, according to an Elon University poll released Friday.

All five of the states polled _ Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida _ went to Bush in the 2004 presidential election by margins ranging from 58 percent in South Carolina and Georgia to 52 percent in Florida.Less than 18 months later, Bush isn't even close to majority approval in any of those states.

Props to Elon for doing the poll. From my university polling experience, I imagine it was done by the political science department and poor college kids looking to make an easy tax-free buck. Even my hardcore Republican mother feels that Bush isn't living up to her own low expectations of him. My Demcorat stepfather must be doin' a little jig -- and I'm jiggin' with him!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Here I go again on my own

Time to start a new blog.

I have nothing really to say, but I will quote the ever so vomit-inducing Ann Coulter who will be speaking at my university next week:

"In the history of the nation, there has never been a political party so ridiculous as today's Democrats. It's as if all the brain-damaged people in America got together and formed a voting bloc."
Fork Replaces Donkey as Democratic Party Symbol, 1.11.06

For the next week I'll be scouring her website and the web in search of that perfect question to slap her in the face with during the Q&A.